It is time for all hoarders take out all collected items, specifically jam jars to put them in some brilliant use to show your creative side to the world. Some people are having a habit to hoard different useful things, like plastic bottles, jam jars, etc. Do not throw away objects, because it may pollute …
Convert Recycled Plastic Bottles into a Toy Helicopter
Creatively use plastic bottles to develop toy helicopter, and it will be a great project for your children to involve them in creative activities. Putting plastic bottles in the recycle bin is not useful, because you can develop some toys with their help. You can engage your children in some creative projects, because with their …
Convert Recycled Plastic Bottles into a Toy HelicopterRead More
Amazing Designs of Pencil Holders with Recyclable Material
Designing a creative pencil holder with the recyclable material is an interesting back to school project, because you can remember your school days with this colorful innovation. If you want some funny and interesting projects, start with a pencil holder that is a simple thing: Classic Pencil Holder: Scratched and damaged food container can be …
Amazing Designs of Pencil Holders with Recyclable MaterialRead More
Creative and Interesting use of Old Tires
The rubber tires are recycled for different purposes, because these are not suitable to use in vehicles due to wear and punctures. The tires can be used in the garden or home decoration. Old tires are really problematic waste because of their large volume and durable structure. It can be a source of environmental pollution, …