Before the arrival of spring in Tokyo, everyone was so excited. In this season, cherry blossoms and forsythia continue to grow with full swing, snow begins to fall and Narcissus spreads its fragrance all around the neighbourhood.
I thought of making a long cardboard vase for the upcoming eastern dinner. Everything is covered with heavy snowfall and there are no signs of greenery around. So, I was thinking of some sort of presentation inside the home with stems, flowers and to make it worthwhile at the Easter. I took recycled things left over in the home like straws, plastic bags and rectangle shaped cardboard.
I took the woven cardboard and cut it from the middle in horizontal direction. Then, I put the stems in empty straws passing through the woven cardboard in the vertical position, making it look like holding the stems.
The woven cardboard vase was divided into three sections of recycling art, making it an attractive piece in the spring. One section was dedicated for stems with leaves, second was dedicated to the flowers and the third one holding the straw with buds. The woven cardboard vase turned into an amazing masterpiece for the decoration of the home and can be placed anywhere in the home.
It’s amazing to see flowers in the winter, especially in the snow fall. It looks equally beautiful while maintaining the green look inside the home. You can use more recycled objects for adding add-ons to the cardboard vase.

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