Today we are going to give you some other unique ideas by using those things which you think are useless, recycling itself an and creativity if the things are utilize in right way. With lots of great ideas you can decorate your home room and yourself, what you need is just creative thoughts. Here in this we are giving you some unique ideas to use you redundant thing.
(1) Use tie to make beautiful collar shirt:
Ties are easily available at home, when your father, brother or husband get bored of using the old tie and want to buy new one, don’t throw old tie in garbage you can use that in making your collar.Cut half tie into small pieces and join the pieces with the help of pins or glue (you can also stitch) with the remaining part of tie place a button or stone there according to the size of your shirt neck and it’s ready to wear.

(2) Making necklace with magazine:
Take magazine page cut into thin strips wrap it over toothpick or stick with the help of the glue and leave it for dry after it became lil hard remove the stick and brush it with same color for shining, it will look like small shells as it is shown in pic, make multiple of small shells and place all in chain or thread (as your choice), take out the lock from your old chain or bracelet and attach it to the end of necklace. You can make matching earing by using same method.
(3) Use wire to make bracelet:
Take wire and make braid join both ends by lock shown in image, you can use crystals or stones to make it more elegant.
(4) Make earing by using beaded thread:
Take beaded thread make knots as image showing and it’s ready to carry.
(5) Recycle your jeans, old dresses to make earrings:
Use your old jeans and cloths, cut into strips place it over wire or rod so it will give bit rough look.

(6) Recycle watch to make bracelet:
If your watch dial stops working or its damage, no need to worry you can make fancy bracelets by putting different images in it.

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