Product labels are often very hard to remove from the bottle, but now you can do it in a less messy way by following some simple ways.
Product labels are quite different from stickers, and it is really difficult to remove the product labels. You may have to use a razor, or scraper to remove the label and it can be very messy also. If you have lots of beverage bottles in your kitchen, then it could be very messy and waste of space as well as water to remove the label through the scraper.
Things You Need
- Water source
- Glass bottle with labels
- Tall container according to the shape of bottle
- Regular dish soap
Step to Follow
- Select a container according to the size and shape of your glass bottle. The container should have enough space for the bottle to sit in the water.
- Add small amount of dish soap in the bottom of the container, because it will help you to dissolve the glue of the label.
- Place the container in the middle of the sink in the stable state, and fill the container with water. Add enough water to cover the label of the bottle only to save water and cleanup time.
- Put the bottle in the water for enough amount of time, and then remove the bottle from the container and conveniently remove the label.
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