There is no need to make some extra expense to decorate your tables, because you can recycle old baskets by using few easily available items.
If you have plastic baskets at your home, then you can decorate them with the help of spray paints. Use different colors and give your old plastic baskets a totally new look. It will be a great activity for you, so arrange your favorite spray paints and color your baskets. After using spray paints, let the basket dry and cure for the two days before setting on the desk. You can use these baskets to keep different supplies of your desk to keep the table organized.
Do not throw old baskets away, because you can restore their pretty look with spray paints. The plastic basket can be used to organize your study table, kitchen table or even a side table in the living room. It will reduce the amount of clutter on the table, because the additional supplies can be secured for easy access at the right time. You can use golden, gray, green, red, blue or any other color according to your choice. It will be good to use complimenting color according to the decoration of your room.

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