Baby girls like to have small dolls in their toys and they like to play with them. For their protection, a small closet is necessary, which can be made from the recycled items. You should have empty small carton, colored papers, scissors, tape, pencils, ruler, strings, washer, paint, paint brushes, wire cutter and glue. Prepare empty box to use and apply tape on backside to secure so it does not open. Paint the box in bright color so it looks beautiful and elegant. Then you can attach the hook and latch so that it can be closed and opened, when you want.
With the help of strings or wire, you make bars for the closet so that you can fix it in the closet. You can make hole with the sharp edge of scissor so that strings can be passed through them. Then make the hangers with string and wire and try to hang, which you desire. You can make the upper side of the hanger bend so that it can be hanged with the bars in the box. The bend piece of hanger can be worked as hook and it can give ease to hang the doll or place there. The front opening of the box can be made in such shape that it can be closed and preserve the things, which are placed in it. On the outer side, you can paint or use some colorful tape to enhance the beauty of the box and it look beautiful and attractive doll closet.

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