We often come across wooden pieces, planks and plates in our garages or attics. Rather than throwing them away you can easily use them to your advantage by recycling them. In order to do this you need to know certain DIY techniques that would help you to convert your waste wooden planks and pallets into useful and innovative products. All you need is the idea, some wooden planks, a hammer and some nails. You can make a variety of products such as cabinets, chairs, stools, tables, sofas and multiple other products. Following are a few DIY recycling ideas for wooden planks and pallets.
(1) DIY Wooden coffee tables:
Everyone loves coffee tables around the house. They come in handy for putting flower pots, magazines and lamps on them. If you have got some wooden pallets or planks and you are considering to throw them in trash, don’t. Cut the plants into equal lengths. Nail them together in form of a small coffee table. Paint the table afterwards and you’ll have a new coffee table out of the idle wooden planks at zero cost.

(2) DIY wooden bench tables:
Parks are often loaded with wooden bench tables for those who like to have picnics or some drinks along with friends. You can have one for your backyard as well. All you need is a set of wooden pallets and some easily available tools. Cut these wooden planks evenly and place them forming a moderately high bench in the middle and two benches on its sides. Use nails to keep them intact. You may paint it to give it a polished looked or keep it rough.

(3) DIY Wooden Sunbath Chairs:
People love sunbaths in their backyards when it’s sunny. If you are keen towards enjoying sunbaths in your backyard, don’t throw away those wooden pallets and planks in trash. Trim the pallets and planks in required lengths and widths. Nail them together in form of a sunbath chair. You can also make a footrest piece for each sunbath chair. This is a very convenient DIY technique for getting a sunbath chair out of waste wood at almost zero cost.

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