Recycling with used and old furniture is an art and also the creativity that you use to create different things by using your used furniture. Nowadays many peoples are recycling furniture by giving them new touch. There are so many things are in homes that we think are useless and can be use again, you can use those things to make new furniture Here we are going to share you ideas to transform your retired things for making fresh look furniture.
(1) Strip chair:
Give your relaxing chair a new look by attaching strips in criss cross styles on it. You can use strips of any material you want in which you feel comfortable.

(2) Tire chair:
Use your vehicle unusable tire for making this quirky sitting chair. Take 2 tires cut one into half and use that half tire as stand, noe place other tire over the stand and fix something on top so you can easily sit.

(3) Chain seat:
Give you seat or stool a totally different look by using fetter or chain, join them together and place it on your stool.

(4) Recycle tire to make seat:
Another creative way of making sitting seat that is easy to carry by using tires.

(5) Vespa chair:
Make the front of your old and unusable vespa to make cool chair.

(6) Wooden stalk chair:
Wooden stalks can easily be available, just use them to make chair by combining multiple of stalk.

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