Like all other DIY projects, paper stars having luminous quality can give wonderful look of your room. Take drawing sheet of any color and make diagram of any size measuring the angles from the middle and also on the two edges of corners of any star. While cutting any corner of the star, you should leave extra part of the corner star, which will help to join with other corners of the star at later stage. Cut all corner of star in proper shape and bisect them in two halves. Then make drawing of different shapes on one piece of any corner of star. Then cut these small drawings with shape knife. Then you join all of the five pieces with each other.
When all of the corners of the star are prepared then place them with each other and use glue to stick them with each other. When all of the corners of a star are joined then it will give wonderful look of complete star and every corner must has two halves, one is plane and other is engrossed or cut in different shapes. You can make plain star or can make polka dots or different drawings over the star. If you fix electric lights behind the star having cutting drawing, then light will pass through them and give wonderful luminous look of the star. All these shapes of the stars can be decorated in your home. You will decorate them, when you are going to celebrate any special event or party on your home.

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