There are many endless ideas by which you can make lots of different things by just utilizing your trash. We have something new for you today that will be made by those thing that you just tossed away, make your day worthy by creating decoration pieces at home by utilizing tin cans. Recycling is not about utilizing unusable thing it’s about making and promoting green and polluted free environment that we could done by using trash and who will not like to create decoration at home with low or no cost. Because the ideas that we are giving to you needs the basic material that is tin can, so let’s get started.
(1) Tin cans table pot:
Recycling is a great fun and you can make so many thing by re-purposing tin cans, utilize tin cans for making table pots and decorate it with old fabric and put some grass in it.
(2) Flower can vases:
Flower can vases is a decoration that you can put any where in home for decoration purpose. You only need to paint the tin can in any style you want and place flowers.
(3) Recycling tin for planting:
If you love to do planting but you don’t have enough space in your home that you can use old and waste tin can for growing mini plants.
(4) Reclaim tin can for wall in garden:
Create a beautiful wall hangings for your garden by reclaiming old tin cans or containers, paint them and place flowers.
(5) Recycling tin cans for making different thing:
Think out of the box, you can not only utilize van for making pots or vases because it has a cylindrical shape but can make so making different thing by using them like metal flowers, butterflies etc that will increase the beauty of your home.
(6) Create Christmas can for candies:
Create awesome candies box for this Christmas by re-purposing old tin can paint can with red and white and decorate it by using red ribbon and it’s ready to place candies in it.
(7) Hanging garden tins:
DIY hanging garden decoration that only need tin cans to make.
(8) Recycling tin cans:
Ordinary tin cans can be mold in many ways, decorate cans and make them in your use for multiple purpose.
(8) Christmas cans:
Make Christmas cans by using futile cans. You can also use it as wish cans etc.
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