Old plastic bottles will help you to design a witch broom, and it will be a great activity to engage your kids.
Green mountain Dew and 7up plastic bottles are great to recycle for the designing of a witch broom. You can cut the strips of plastic bottle and it will look great due to its signature color. It will be a great addition to the decorations of your Halloween themed parties.
Things You Need:
- 3 to 5 Empty Green Plastic Bottles
- Hot glue gun
- Scissors
- A long stick
- Masking tape
Steps to Follow
- In the first step, remove the labels of plastic bottles and cut the bottom of plastic bottles to make long strips from the rest of the piece.
- Cut the head of your bottles also and layer your bottles with cutoff tops on the upper part of the bottle with the lid. Make sure to remove all creases between the layers and use hot guns to glue the top in right place.
- To make a fuller broom, you can use as many bottles as you want. Take a stick with Witchy look and tightly fit it in the neck of the bottle. Fix the stick with the glue and cover your connection and other obvious parts with the help of masking tape.
- Your witch broom is ready for the Halloween party.

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