Children are really curious to get something new out of recycled things left over in the home. I have two daughters and some days they started back to collect old jewellery for getting their ideas into a shape. They were up to my bookshelf, which is 4 feet high using the recycling art in combination with the jewellery. So, I decided to compromise some of my jewellery and sturdier for the sake of my daughters. They also sought more recycled objects to make something unique out of fragile stuff.
Everything was just shattered and hanging up all around the home making it look like some aliens have taken residence.
I took a box, which provided me 6 pieces of cardboard divided into equal length and size. Then, I collected some caps and arranged them. I had lots of laundry and syrup caps, which can be connected with each other perfectly. I connected the different colorful pieces of caps with the tape. If you have shortage of plastic caps, then you can use corks, blocks or tiny plastic for the purpose. All these things combine to give a perfect look.
Then, I used the caps for the tracing on the cardboard and cut them into circles with the help of cutter from the top layer. You can also use the knife for drawing the lawyers on the cardboard.
You can put layers together with the help of glue and placed the joined caps into the circles of the board. The last things you need to do it hang the board on the wall for the repurpose.

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