Although there is fashion of wearing jeans in both sexes but people make different things with jeans. Old jeans are worth to make good things, which can be looked in your home. You can cut and make stunning shape of fish with old jeans. You can use different colors of jeans on the upper and lower side. You can use old jeans as cover of the table and manage spoons and forks in its pockets. If cover of your sofa is worn out, then you can replace this old cover with old jeans to create wonderful look of sofa. You can stitch different pieces of jeans with each other to make complete cover of sofa.
You can use one leg of jeans and sew it at the bottom to make jeans bags in excellent shape. You can add buckle and straps on its outer side and tie the opening of the bag. As there is style of jeans bags, so this style of jeans bags will meet your demand. You can roll small piece of denim jeans in round shape and join different pieces of jeans with each other. Add chain at its ends and hang it with it to give complete and different look of necklace, which will be stunning and beautiful to look at. You can make big cover and add or sew different pockets of jeans over it. These hip pockets will be used to handle huge number of small things in it. You can hang this piece of cloth anywhere in your home.

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